Artist and Painter Iz Maglow | Contemporary Fine Arts

iz maglow

"iz .me" : Iz Maglow

About the person and the artistic work
Paintings, sculptures, stage designs, digital graphic & web design

Iz Maglow

For over four decades, Iz Maglow has been developing his art by varying the expressive possibilities of his painting and experimenting with his paintings and objects, which are characterized by color, expressive style and partly dominant structures. He transferred the imagery developed in the paintings to his work in the fields of stage design, graphic design and web design.

Explanatory introductions to the individual topics can be found on the start pages of the categories Fine Art Painting, Sculptures and Art Objects, Stage Designs und digital Artwork. The latter are dedicated to the websites that Iz Maglow has designed for others and to themselves, as well as to the artist's own portraits, which show the painter in simple, digital portraits, in memorable places, at private or artistic events, and some of his friendly memories. All is artistically alienated and each dedicated to one of his years of life.

Individual Quotes / Press Reviews:

As early as 1983, the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung calls the artist "... a versatile personality ..." "... and a very productive one ..." "... in which one can hope for lasting spontaneity ... "

"... Iz Maglow is someone who likes to travel..." writes the Schwäbische Post in 1986 and continues: "... In recent years, during his studies at the Stuttgart State Academy of Fine Arts, he traveled the world and got to know different big cities and their people. ..."

And in 1987, the Frankfurter Rundschau describes "... Iz Maglow as a person who openly says what he thinks, and does not make the impression of disagreeing with himself, a serene nature, it is said, and with a seemingly original inclination to a happy order. ..."

Further information and overviews of the art and life of Iz Maglow can be found here:

Thank you for your interest in the art of Iz Maglow.